

Where is DNA found in orgasms? The exciting and sexually intriguing world of our biology lessons. Also "loci" means positions..but not those kind of positions, apparently. Sadly we are shockingly bad at biology, probably due to our general childishness and lack of focus.

Sorry I haven't blogged in a few days, I had one all lined up and ready to go yesterday then my internet decided to stop working. Wow there's a new Barclaycard advert with a roller coaster instead of a slide.

Today I learnt a few interesting things, well one mainly. People (women) seem to "know" lots of things about me that just simply aren't true, mainly to with sexual dealing involving other women. I think most people's character traits are exaggerated in life these days. So I like to enjoy pleasures of the flesh occasionally? So I have more friends that are women than men? Does that make me a bad person? Probably. Does that make me a slag? I certainly don't think so.


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