

Wellies are by far the best!

How is everybody surviving the cold?

Today was quite a fun day, it's days like today I feel I will miss when I'm no longer at school. I had a biology exam, that went fairly well, even if I did waste an hour of revision on immune response for there not to be a question on it. Ahh well, the rest of the day I just had a good laugh with Joe, recreating the noises of various sea creatures. Oh and Ms. Sterry thought I smelled of pot which wasn't a very good compliment, in fact I doubt it was even a compliment.

Then I had a last lesson, which was biology itself, where we just went through our exam and slagged it off/joked about it. Believe it or not I think both me and Zoey did pretty good on it, which makes a change to our usual dismal attempts. I like biology it's a rather fun lesson, and I'm the only boy, which I prefer, I seem to get on with girls easier I think.

Only 3 more exams to go. Physics tomorrow morning. I say bring it on! Then tomorrow evening I am accompanying McCabe to the pub. Oh how I miss that boy!


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