

It is Sunday afternoon. The weather doesn't know what it's doing, and I have Electric Light Orchestra in my head.

A fair few things are a changing these days and in the days to come I have no doubt even more changes shall happen. I think change scares quite a few people. They get used to a routine, they may not think their lives are in a routine, but they are just variations on a theme. Especially if you're from Yorkshire, where "CHANGE IS NOT GOOD!". I however, like a minority of people love change, I like new and interesting situations, they bring new and interesting people. I like to think that change changes people, and usually for the better.




Will be next? First of all they've banned shopping in Tesco whilst wearing pyjamas. I don't even wear pyjamas but if I did I'd be marching down to Tesco in my dressing gown as I type! Secondly, let us get behind the pubs, I refuse to have no place to drink in peace and quiet! I also refuse to no be able to have a pub conversation, I want to talk about who would win in a fight between a badger and a baboon or how many hedgehogs could fit in a U-boat. I refuse to let the one normal thing I can do amazingly well be taken away from me!

Today, as I do most days, I discovered something interesting. Teenage girls are just as filthy minded, if not more so, than us teenage boys who are supposed to be the height of sexual disgustingness. Apparently what they are often thinking is "how good is he in bed?" which doesn't exactly fill me with confidence, what if I'm getting bad reviews left, right and centre without actually sleeping with any of them. I could just sleep with them then they could give me a bad review, that would work for me, I don;t particularly mind being slagged off, as long as it's constructive criticism.

Au Revoir.



Where is DNA found in orgasms? The exciting and sexually intriguing world of our biology lessons. Also "loci" means positions..but not those kind of positions, apparently. Sadly we are shockingly bad at biology, probably due to our general childishness and lack of focus.

Sorry I haven't blogged in a few days, I had one all lined up and ready to go yesterday then my internet decided to stop working. Wow there's a new Barclaycard advert with a roller coaster instead of a slide.

Today I learnt a few interesting things, well one mainly. People (women) seem to "know" lots of things about me that just simply aren't true, mainly to with sexual dealing involving other women. I think most people's character traits are exaggerated in life these days. So I like to enjoy pleasures of the flesh occasionally? So I have more friends that are women than men? Does that make me a bad person? Probably. Does that make me a slag? I certainly don't think so.



It's a..

Lazy Sunday morning and I intend to reflect that in this blog.

I had a few mates round last night for a few drinks, we also managed to watch an entire James Bond film (Die Another Day) without any sound at all, apart from the amazing The Dead Weather.

I need to do mega revision today, I have a Biology exam tomorrow afternoon and I fear the worst will happen. Mainly due to the sheer stupidity of OCR, but nothing can be done about that. Alas I have to select a gear for my posterior and make it a high one.

I have several observations today already. Number one, muffins are pretty much the best breakfast food ever invented. Number two, Top Gear is literally on at all hours of the day.

Rave on.



I'm really not sure what to talk about. I had a good day today, nice and.. unstressed. Apart from a certain bowling company, that will remain nameless, deciding that although we spend about £10 in there most days our money is no longer good enough and now we aren't allowed in during school time.

I shall take this opportunity to tell you about a few music projects I will hopefully sort out in the coming weeks. Firstly, I have an interesting appearance at The Bluecoat, which is an art gallery in Liverpool. Neil Keating is a resident illustrator there and I have worked with him before, we are looking to merge my sounds with his supreme drawings in a live event in the near future.

Also, I'm hoping to play EXIT Festival this year, which is set in the amazing grounds of a fortress in Serbia and last year played host to the likes of Arctic Monkeys, The Prodigy, Grandmaster Flash, Lily Allen, Fake Blood and Manic Street Preachers. This year the line-up already includes Crystal Castles and Does It Offend You, Yeah? I just have to send a sample of my work to them and see what they think.

I like to think this will be a big summer for me musically.

Fingers crossed, eh?



Think I've made my mind up. I think, we shall see if I change my mind in the near future, I need to discuss it with a few people whose opinion I value pretty highly. I also think I've made my peace with LIPA. They don't want me, I'm over it.

On to today's events. I had the most shockingly dull biology practical exam in the history of biology practical exams. It took 2 hours to do, and an hour and a half of it was waiting. Unbelievable Jeff! As the great curly haired and porn 'tached Chris Kamara would say. I also had the joy of being pretty much beaten up by Vicky, and not even in an erotic way. All because I said she flashed her boobs.

Today I learnt something new about myself, I actually love catching people checking me out, don't you? They try and act all nonchalant and look away but you know and they know you know precisely what they were doing. It's also a great confidence boost, lets you know you're half decent looking and that. So I often find it brightens my day, therefore I think we should all try and check each other out all the time so we are all nice and confidence boosted.

Spicy beef = Good!

Salty beef = Baaad!



Miss me when I'm gone.

Everybody keeps asking me "What are you going to do now?", referring to me not getting into LIPA. To tell the truth I have no idea what I'm going to do, I could go to Chester University, even though it's an hour and a half away on the train. I could go and do Music Technology at College, or get a job and become a superstar DJ all by myself. Lets face it, who needs a degree? Although I would very much like one, it doesn't look like very many people are willing to give me one, or a degree.

Time to eat, revise and exercise I think. Before I go though, let me leave you with this business thought, Crack4Gold..Act now before the crack rush ends!!



Been a while, and for that I apologise to my one whole reader. I have been rather distracted/mortified over the past couple of days.

I'll fill you in on some background first. My last week involved these things: Getting into a fight, drinking 25 cans of Strongbow, drinking 4 pints of Strongbow, drinking 5 pints of Bulmers, drinking numerous shots of spirits, drawing an Otter in a thong, saying the words "have you ever stroked a Gibbon?", loosing to Tom 3 times in pool, beating Tom 5 times in pool, laughing at various sea animal noises, getting laid, breaking a laptop, getting a new laptop, getting rejected from LIPA, doing two exams, chipping my tooth, being killed by ice and very nearly setting myself on fire amongst other things.

The combination of all these things have left me quite bitter, and for that I am sorry to everybody that has had the delight of speaking to me in recent days.

It's back!!

Quote of the Day

Joe: Clunge.
Terri-Ann: I need a wee.

Live long and prosper!


On A..

Scale of one to five..

My laptop is kindly telling me that my hard drive is going to fail soon..Lovely. Sorry there was no post yesterday, I spent my time at the pub instead drinking away my money with that rarest of creatures, McCabe. It was super quiet in there though, it was quite scary, after 10 past 10 we were the only people left, there was more staff than customers.

Anyway, onwards to today, how was everybody's day? I spoke to quite a few people today, and to be honest the majority of them were quite nice, which is rare these days! All in all a good school day. I am, however on my own until about half 10 tonight, so if anybody fancies coming round for a drink then feel free. All guests are welcome unless you have some hideous and highly contagious flesh eating disease, then I'm sorry you'll have to drink outside.

All aboard the showboat..TOOT TOOOT!



Wellies are by far the best!

How is everybody surviving the cold?

Today was quite a fun day, it's days like today I feel I will miss when I'm no longer at school. I had a biology exam, that went fairly well, even if I did waste an hour of revision on immune response for there not to be a question on it. Ahh well, the rest of the day I just had a good laugh with Joe, recreating the noises of various sea creatures. Oh and Ms. Sterry thought I smelled of pot which wasn't a very good compliment, in fact I doubt it was even a compliment.

Then I had a last lesson, which was biology itself, where we just went through our exam and slagged it off/joked about it. Believe it or not I think both me and Zoey did pretty good on it, which makes a change to our usual dismal attempts. I like biology it's a rather fun lesson, and I'm the only boy, which I prefer, I seem to get on with girls easier I think.

Only 3 more exams to go. Physics tomorrow morning. I say bring it on! Then tomorrow evening I am accompanying McCabe to the pub. Oh how I miss that boy!




Is it that everybody else and their body/shoe combinations seem to glide over slushy icy stuff on the roads and pavements where as my body/shoe combination has all the poise, grace and finesse of a drunken horse wearing roller blades on an oiled up skate park?

I've decided I shall select a few very good songs for your listening pleasure..
Delphic - Doubt (Riton Remix)

Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed (Jakwob Remix)

Miike Snow - Black Blue (Savage Skulls Remix)

Mumford and Sons - Little Lion Man

Flo & The Machine - Drumming Song

Sekta - Jabajaws (Instrumental)

Hope you enjoy listening to them all. Revision time for me.



The past 24 hours has been an interesting one, firstly I haven't slept at all, secondly I haven't revised at all. These things have made me quite irritable and annoyed at myself. However I am in an excellent mood.

I've had an ace time all night and today, last night Sarah came round and we had a fair few drinks and general fun times. Then this afternoon I went to play some pool with Joe which was fun as always. So all in all a very good 24 hours. I need to revise and have a shower now.

Sorry I'm not particularly witty today.
Speak tomorrow, yeah?



wonderful sense of joy conceived by simply lying in bed all Saturday morning is really a rather beautiful thing.
The only trouble is I need to; get up, exercise, shower, (feels face) maybe shave, then do a massive chunk of revision. I'm listening to the soothing tones of Bat For Lashes - Prescilla, I think I can have another half an hour of ignorant bliss.
Somebody once said "Change is not a myth, it can actually happen ;)" but in my highly uneducated opinion I think, if what happens to you makes you the person who you are, and stuff and things are always happening to us, then aren't we all always changing?
I shall leave you with that thought on what is now Saturday afternoon.
Fly my pretty's, FLY!!!


It Seems..

to me that those of us who bothered to attend school today did so for no reason. We didn't have a break time for "health and safety" reasons. Dinner time consisted of being herded into the canteen with 3 teachers surrounding me and Tom, just to make sure we didn't run off and cause trouble, because we are 7 not 17, clearly. Also I didn't much get any work done in any lessons, we did a few exams questions in biology, Boyle's Law in physics and looked at old computers in I.T.
I'm off to get drunk with my friends, good day to you all.



it seems as if the worst is over. Back to school tomorrow, to enjoy the wonders of the present education system.
I've done actually nothing today. I was going to revise, but the mountain of booze lured me in, so I've been drinking since about 11 o'clock. ohh well I only have exams on Tuesday and Wednesday, that's plenty of time to revise right?
The strangest conversation happened between me and my equally brilliant Father last night after he returned home from the wonders of being a chemical process operator. He said he'd go into work at about 12ish, even though he wasn't in 'til 2 (it takes hit about 15 minute to get into work) in case the roads were bad going into Mold. To which I replied "What happens if the roads are good, you'll get there mega early?". He said that he'd simply "pop in" to Tesco on his way if the roads were good. After a minute or so I exclaimed "You should panic buy something" (as we were watching the news at the time which has said "some report claim people panic buying already"). To which he responded "Jam! That'll freak people out.". "What about crunchy peanut butter, spread that on your drive, that'll help with friction better than grit!" I exclaimed. To which we both started giggling like school girls, "You should run around a bit as well, that'll shit people up." I said. I feel me and my good Father should be a comedy double act, if they put us both in Big Brother the 3 people that now watch it would be thoroughly entertained, then they could get another 5 series out of it.
Anyway, on to the here and now, I'm relaxed after several cans of Strongbow, and listening to Robbie Williams - Me and My Monkey , even if you hate Robbie, I suggest you listen to this song because I think 99% of people can relate to it, and if your the "speshal" 1% it's talking about his drug addiction!
Anyway (again), I best stop rambling on.
Have fun.
Make way for the ultraviolet teenage riot! 


Day 2..

Of sheer panic, as literally inches of snow lie on various surfaces around the nation. There was a special news programme and everything, the thing that really annoyed me is that it meant Cash In the Attic wasn't on. In my humble opinion this is the last straw! Something needs to be done to remove this snow. I propose we get that stuff that tastes like blue (that they put in ice pops and claim it's "blue raspberry") and turn the country into a giant slush puppy and eat our way out of ridiculousness! Let's be honest, if it's one thing quite a lot of people in this country are good at it's eating.
We are off school today for, as far as I can see, no particular reason. People don't understand I have 2 exams next week!
Have fun in the snow everybody.


In The..

wise words of an old man, "Cold out today. Cold yesterday. Even colder today.".
I'm confused as to why in other countries they manage to actually get on with their lives perfectly fine, even when everything is covered in 2 or 3 inches of snow. It's nearly magical how people (southerners) can be so melodramatic. Where as other people (northerners) either don't care and just get on with it like people from other countries, or are out there throwing snowballs at cars. Don't you just love the "culture" we possess these days.
I've decided I best start trying to shift the old Christmas weight, it's starting to annoy me now, and lets be honest I need all the help looks wise I can get.
Have fun in the snow, or cry about it, or MOVE THE FUCK ON!



is the story of today.
Oxford Brookes University has decided that Sound Technology course isn't the right course for me apparently, so they have decided to reject me. Lovely.
It was the first day back at school in a couple of weeks today, and for some strange meeting we weren't in until half past 9. Quite an exciting day really, 3 hours of I.T and sexual innuendo with Vicky and Tom.

Physics, biology and I.T tomorrow, a good mix I feel, and a chance to get back into the swing of things.

Music is God and God is great!



How's everybody doing?
Tis nought but a lazy Sunday afternoon, trying to listen to the incomprehensible whine of Miss L. Allen on NME TV over the incomprehensible whine of my Dad cutting tiles in the kitchen. I've decided to start writing in far more depth on here about things that are actually happening or have happened to me, lets be honest I usually write just rubbish on here.
So let us start with yesterday's trip to the "wonderful" world of Ikea, where a whole host of strange events happened. Firstly, we managed to get lost on the way there, and had to ask for directions, twice! On the plus side I got to see the "delights" of Warrington, which made me feel quite privileged to live in Ellesmere Port.
Once we had finally reached the the world of Ikea, well the car park, Dad decided to nearly run a woman over who was on a zebra crossing, she was probably only 18 or 19. Then as she was walking to her car we passed her again, where a lot of swearing occurred and there was nearly a fight.
After we had parked, and crossed the dangerous roads of the car park, we finally entered the magical world. Where about three quarters of the way round I had one of those weird moments where you notice somebody checking you out just at the instant where they turn their head away. What I find strange is that they are almost always extremely attractive, I think there's some attractive persons code where they just half check out average-looking people, giving them some false hope that one day they may form a relationship with a beautiful person, live happily ever after in a decent sized house and have a sports car.
On the way back from Ikea, we got stuck in traffic, which is always partially fun, for my over-active mind it is anyway. It's fun to see how other people in cars are getting on with their travelling. It's also fun as you can see exactly what's going on in other cars at the time, Mums annoyed with kids, girlfriends annoyed with boyfriends, people asleep, pensioners with new dentures eagerly munching away on a chunk of dairy milk. It's a wonderful time.
Well, Manchester United Vs Leeds United is on, hopefully Old Trafford Explodes and everybody is killed.
Party on!


How Strange..

am I feeling tonight? Very is the answer.
First of all I'd like to say thanks to everybody. I had low, low, low, low expectations coming into this Christmas and certain people have made it quite a good one, so well done, give yourselves a hug or something.
Secondly, I'd like to inform you all of my new opinion that if one looks after those little tiny weeny things that make you happy, then you'll be happy, we all know that. But I'd also like to think that if you keep doing the little things right often enough eventually they will all come together and make a big brilliant ball of stuff. So my plan is to do the little things good and see how it goes.

I don't make New Years Resolutions, but I'd love to know what your's is!

Chocks away!