

So much for getting things off your chest on a blog. The trouble is, people read them, this means you can't be bitchy about anybody, sort of defeating the object of having a blog. 

Musically, I need to be better, I know I can be better, that's the frustrating thing. This weekend I'm going to nail a DJ set to conquer all DJ sets. Trouble is so close to exams (just 5 weeks until my first!!!) finding time to sit down and properly sort out a DJ set. They usually take a couple of weeks, never mind the odd hour here and there. 

On to brighter news, the weather has been pretty decent and it is Friday tomorrow, which is never a bad thing. Back to the bad news, my phone screen isn't playing a nice game with me and keeps not working. Back to good news, my new hair cut is looking not half bad, it has been the centre of all school news all week, hopefully it'll have died down tomorrow.

Now for an exclusive, I can now reveal my new music project will be called Shiny Teeth. Stay tuned for more updates.

I often sit down in a small room and meditate, then cry myself to sleep to dream of rainbows and unicorns and princesses.

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