
Hilarity personified..

Facebook status number 1:
Andy Hayward isn't it hiiilarious when people become fans of things they have clearly never experienced? pa..ha..ha.haha

Facebook status number 2:
Joe Pearce i agreee with you hahaha
(Andy Hayward likes this)

The resulting comments on status number 2:
JP: "are you comin up mate"
AH: is that a proposition?
JP: haha why not its all swings and roundabouts in this gamee
AH: in for a penny in for a pound ;)
JP: hahaha why not i wonder on a scale of 1-13.7 with -4 being the highest how many people if any know what the fuck were on about ?
AH: 7% of all people surveyed didnt know who we were never mind what we were talking about.
14 hours ago · 
JP: inoo haha the other 93% were just made up or ant an dec robbed them or something 
AH: haha you touch kids :P
JP: somebody has too haha<< i think i took that a bit far
AH: some of the kids say you did, i say you didnt go far enough with me :(
JP: hahaha i just couldnt reach that far OK.. get over it :P
AH: i'll get tom "the one stroke wonder" holmes in ;)
JP: hahahaha tom " the elephants trunk" Holmess you whill go on my first whissstllleee 
AH: haha tom "i contain a river of sperm in my ball bags" holmesssssss...heavyyyyyyyweight champion of the worrrrrrrrlddddddd
JP: hahaha hes gonna recreate the BIG BANG one day
AH: hes got a hayemaker and a half ;) TRUST ME..ive seen it haha
JP: hahaha tom is a bit like david haye but hes gone 17 years instead of 6 week if you remember what i mean haha
AH: haha yes i do, one hump then "AAAAAARRRGHHHHH" haha he is also like david haye in the fact that he has the exact same muscular structure :)
JP: hahaha tom would love to be david haye hed finally get a belt that fits :O < i think i went to far again haha
AH: tom doesnt wear a belt because it stops the flow when hes making foreplay, belts are always tricky to get off, especially when the poor boy toms making do it has his hands tied, and a blindfold on :P
JP: hahaha i forgot bout toms heavy flow.... hes moral is its just popped up to see you now its going in to meet you :P
AH: eye to eye :P

That my friends, is how it's done.

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