

Once again I haven't posted for a few days, I imagine you will all start getting withdrawal symptoms if I don't do this today.

Were going straight into the issue today. To be brutally honest at the moment I am a frustrated boyman. We as human beings pretty much still have the whole "I need to find the best mate" mentality, this means a lot of our behaviour is manipulated to do this. The way we dress, act, do our hair, all the exercise we do, everything. So if you don't find anybody that you have that strange spark thing going on with then you tend to get a bit subconsciously depressed. Which probably leads to all sorts of mental issues. I'm probably at the subconsciously depressed stage, which means my mind is pretty much now constantly screaming "FIT IN!", but firstly, I don't see how that will help me find that sparky thing and secondly, who wants to fit in? I'd much rather be a square running at triangular shaped holes and leaving a big square hole in my wake. This inevitably leads to other people trying to be squares when the notice the hole you've left. I have mixed feelings about that though, it annoys me that people have to copy but I also feel flattered, not that I get copied of course. 

I want to write something else but alas I feel it will offend pretty much all of you so I'll leave it out. Wouldn't want to lose any of the few friends I have.

Several people might know that I once managed to dislocate my thumb in a restaurant and then proceeded to use my pint to make sure it didn't swell up. 

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