

Sorry guys, been a bit engrossed in my music work over the past couple of days.

Today I was both shocked and horrified to uncover a plot to humiliate me. I believe the plan was to stick a sanitary towel with the words "I've got the clap" or something of that effect, onto my back. Fortunately I foiled this plan and managed to run away before the plan had time to happen. 

Do you know one of the things I like most about making music? You never ever stop learning new things, you are always finding out new ways of doing things that either improve your sound or allow you to achieve the same results in a less complicated way. It is also always different, every time I do some music work something different always happens. It's an amazing feeling when something goes how you hear it in your head. 

Unknown to many is the fact that I have a pet woodlouse called Eric.

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