

How about that then. I'll start at the beginning and the events of yesterday. We ended up not going to the united game, due to unforseen circumstances that we shall not go into at this precise moment in time. Anyways due to this I ended up just going the pub which was really quite a nice event, I had a steak, bit fatty but ahh well.

Anyway, onto today and it's events, first of all I have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE! I have also tried to change my behaviour today, I'm giving the whole "being nice" thing a go, well I'm certainly making an attempt at being nicer to people, my friends anyway. I think it's going OK but I could definately do better. I am a changed man.

Also today my Mum's house has been valued today, which means the move seems to be on the cards. Back to Elton my; Mum, Brother, Brother's Girlfriend and their 2 children go eventually. I think it will be good for the kids, I mean I went to "Elton County Primary School" and look at me, I turned out to be a well rounded human being...kind of...a bit.

I dance around my house in a shiny leotard.

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