


Isn't it funny how many nice people you've met and known that you never really think about, until you see them of course and then you are reminded of their sincereness and enthusiasm. I wonder if they ever think about me, probably not but as they are sincere I wouldn't be too surprised if somebody told me they did. I'd love to have the enthusiasm that one acquires when living outside of Ellesmere Port.

I'm unsure as to how Ellesmere Port manages to do it but it just seems to absorb all enthusiasm and desire to make something of yourself. It therefore takes very special people to manage to escape the monotonous world that is Ellesmere Port and make a bid for freedom and university. I therefore would like to tip my cap to all the people I know that will hopefully be starting university in September/October. I appreciate how hard it is to escape as I am trying to do so myself, and I know for a fact most of you share the same view as me that you would literally give a limb to get out of this place. 

Don't get me wrong I'm not slagging people off who are happy to stay in Ellesmere Port, in fact I admire you, I admire how you can be settled in one place. I myself feel slightly uneasy if I have to stay in a particular place for too long, I have to go somewhere, do something. I also admire how you fit in to a place so well. I don't think I've ever really felt like I've truly fitted into a place, and in fairness I've been to a lot of places. I just hope one day I can find a place that doesn't drain the life and soul out of people, and where I just seem to fit. 

Hope I've shone a little ray of hope into an otherwise dreary and dull, grey world that is "El Porto".

In my spare time I like to race various animals.


  1. The weak attempt at damning those who remain in Ellesmere Port with faint praise- only points out the utter snobbery that this spotty faced inadequate would like to write but hasn't got the guts.
    Sits in its room playing with itself and probably molests those animals in its spare time.

    1. There are several points I would like to make regarding your honest and appreciated feedback. Firstly, I respect your views on the subject. However I feel your points could have been made in a more constructive manner. Secondly, concerning your some what wild accusation of potential snobbery, I consider myself to be working class, which is generally considered the lowest social class. Therefore I believe it would be fairly difficult to patronise a lower social class than myself. Thirdly, I enjoy expressing my opinions, even if that means some people disagree with them, including yourself. Opinions are obviously one of the things that make everybody different which is one of the best things about life. It's not about having guts or bottle or balls to type something on the internet, millions of people do it every day, I was just expressing my opinion at the time, nothing more nothing less. Finally, the last half of your last sentence is pretty funny, well done!


What do you think?..Yes, you!