

Today has been the most uneventful day in a long while. Apart from being called a "gay bastard" and apparently having a "pinny", all those insults are of course provided by the wonderful year 8 pupils and my wonderful school. 

Everybody wasn't in a very good mood today, and to be honest it got me down by the end of the day as well. Several people weren't too happy as they had a geography exam, then weren't happy after it, because they thought they hadn't done very well. A few other people just seemed a bit sort of preoccupied with some underlying serious issue. Hopefully all shall be well in the micro world of school tomorrow, and everything will be back to sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. 

I should really do some music work, I tend to be far more creative when I'm a bit sad. I also like exercising when I'm a bit sad, probably those wonderful wee endorphins, they are happy little fellows. I remember being a bit sad once when I was a child, then I went to my Nan's house and she got out her big roses tin full of sweets and let me have 2 instead of 1 because she always used to know when I was a bit down. What a truly brilliant person. She then played with my favourite toy with me, it was this old battered and paint chipped fighter plane, it had this sliding thing on the top of it that made the wheels come out when you wanted to land. I remember thinking about that day after she died and I got the plane out of a box that was going to go to the skip. It never ceases to make me smile, I guess I could do with it about now.

1 comment:

  1. Despite the whole sadness topic, i like this post.. it's nice to think of past memories and family members :) Steeeephsterr xx


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