
ho ho ho..

So, Christmas Eve is upon us, how excited am i? Not very, Christmas has unfortunately become alot of seeing people im not very fond of, buying them things and pretending to be happy at the useless junk they continue to buy me.
Anyway I'm off to get drunk.
I sincerely hope you all have a very good Christmas.
Roll on New Year..Toot toot



It's that awkward period between finishing school and Christmas Day where nobody really knows what to do with themselves. Some people go out and do things, others sit in and watch Ready Steady Cook, I'm sadly in the latter group. I can't wait for New Years Eve however my party should be pretty good I hope.




I've fixed the laptop, sort of, momentarily, long enough to write this post I hope.
During my short term on this big mass of elements and things I like to think I've learnt many a thing; how to read and how to write and how to speak and how to understand and how to use commas and how to make a cup of tea and how to read people's emotions and how to get dressed and how to feed a baby goat and how to swim and how to multiply and how to take off a bra and how to make my laptop work using a hair clip.
Yet having learnt all these things I still don't think I've learnt to love.
Is that bad? Personally I think nobody can teach you how to love somebody else, and therefore it must be something that you as an individual develop, whether this happens when you meet "the one" or people find out how before then and just use their new found skills when they find "the one" who knows. I also think you might have to have certain other skills before you can learn love, like the right balance of lust, compassion, tolerance and some other stuff.
My point is I'm willing to learn pretty much anything, I enjoy learning new things, it's exciting. I guess I'll just have to wait to learn the lesson of love, and to see how it effects my life.

Speak soon, yeah?


Why Do..

People have the notion that it is inconceivable for me to be unhappy?
And why do people get affronted when I try and be nice and disguise my mood , they throw it back in my face, then expect me to be nice again to them 10 minutes later?
A stiff drink and exercise are required.
Thank you.


She Said..

You're just as boring as every one else.

How is everybody this fine, if not chilly night?
I've fixed my laptop because I'm just ever so slightly brilliant, speaking of which, I have a new found respect of hair clips.
I may well do a spot of music at my New Year's Eve party now, I think I need the practice.

Today, ladies and gentlemen, a poem that I witnessed preached from a square in the fair city of Amsterdam..

There is soul,
and there are things.
Imagine a world made up only of objects,
a world of idle tools,
a restaurant of nothing but tables and chairs,
a large empty theatre,
or a deserted plaza in summer.
They cry out for the service of man,
the service of life.
We call on man to display his splendid capabilities.
And we observe with undivided attention,
because the little nuances in the quality of his service give a flawless measure of his mind,
there tell us frankly what his soul is worth,
to serve is first to love.



Has been eventful, Liam and Joe came onto my blog and stole the picture from my very first post and then managed to create a wanted picture with it.
At the weekend I managed to dislocate the old knee again, I wont go into detail but it involved drinking and a washing line.
Oh the shame.
I'm off out with the old gang tonight, none other than McCabe and Lauren.
Should be fun.


Once Again..

I'm in I.T where I should be doing work and I'm not, along with everybody else.
Today my toe has gone all weird and is bleeding all over my sock, which is quite interesting.


One Day..

We're gonna live, in Paris, I promise. Sorry everybody Joe has just got that song into my head, you can find it here.
I'm in I.T, therefore I should really be doing my work, but I feel this is more important. Not that it actually is, but I like to think it is.

There once was a bouncy ball called Terry, he had a heart of gold and would often help old ladies across the street and so on. Anyway to cut a long story short, one day he got ran over, luckily however the old lady he was ferrying at the time survived and he's a bouncy ball so obviously he survived, GOOD TIMES!

I sent off my LIPA application application form today, I sincerely hope I get in.

Have fun.



How is everybody these days?
It's Grace's birthday today, how fun! Sadly I'm going to miss the party.
Turns out I'm a fool, not for the first time either, ahh well.
I'm filling in my LIPA application form today so wish me luck!
Team Andy lets go!


Hi Again..

Well it's early! And cold!
I'm still ill unfortunatley.
Today has a weird sense of urgency and feels quite tense, like Iranian waters.
My mum in her great wisdom doesn't have cover for personal belongings in her house insurance so it looks like the new laptop hope has faded into the abyss, this means no music work, no gigs, no cd for LIPA...
I owe you guys a story so I'll just write a quick one before the lesson ends and I have to attend the itellectual battlefield that is my I.T lesson.

There was a rough looking kiwi who needed a shave called Tim, he was mates with a banana that complied to stringent E.U guidelines and was the straightest banana known to man, he was in many ways a hero, and if you drew some lines and numbers on him he could be an effective weapon in the measuring world. His name. Of course, was Harold.

Tune in next week.

Peace be upon you.



How is everybody doing?
My laptop is well and truly broke, hopefully an insurance claim will sort it out before Christmas.
I'm sadly ill and a bit worse for wear so I don't fancy writing much.

Quote of the day

Zoey: How do turtles breathe when they live in the sea?




So my laptop is broke, hence no super friday story time feature blog. Instead you get this dreary eyed, lying in bed, tying on my phone, saturday morning blog.
Strictly speaking I owe you guys a story but I think you haven't been commenting so you can wait. I don't know what to do today which is a bit rubbish, I may revise, lets be honest I need all the help I can get.
I need a wee.
Speak soonish


I feel..

pretty much generally lost, all the time.
It's an odd feeling to have, it's like I never quite think I should be where ever I am at the time. I'm hoping this will fix itself soon because to be honest it's not all that fun to be a part of.


What's everybody doing tomorrow night? You guessed it I'm doing absolutely nothing, WOO HOO!
I just did some music work, now I have a new CD to send to clubs and stuff. If you would like this CD please send a stamped addressed envelope to 150, Newnham.. I'm joking of course nobody wants that crap. Why do you think I send it to people, I don't even want it!

How is everybody anyway? I've been rather too busy to ask recently, it's been a fairly relentless stream of work I've had to do. So this is me officially asking everybody how they've been surviving the past week or so.




Roll up, roll up. All aboard the boat of show.
Hows everybody doing today?
I'm actually writing this while in the house by myself for once. There's usually at least one person milling around, but not today.
According to some people today *coZOEYugh* I have no friends! Unbelievable I know, I do have friends, just not many, kind of. By the way, today we, well mainly me, decided we are going to try and have a new year's eve party at a hotel in Chester, I think you should all come and make it the best new year's eve ever.

Quote of the day

Tom: Joe's just come back from finishing Revill off in the toilet.

Last stop!


Is it me or..

are some people just majorly hypocritcal without even actually realising it?

You shouldn't say bad things about people ever, and I know I'm majorly guilty of doing it but 99.99% of the time I'm honestly joking when I do it, even if it may not particularly sound like I am at the time. Some of the people that I've witnessed however, seem to me as if they seriously mean it. We can all say bad things about people but what's the point? If the person has any mental strength at all they won't take it to heart they'll just forget about it 5 minutes later.

I need some new headphones, anybody fancy buying me some for Christmas? Thanks love.

I've decided I'm staying single for a while, what's the point? There isn't one Andy. Thank you.

Quote of the day

Tom: I have sea noises in my head.

POW! *cloud of smoke*


Once Again..

Today I'm confused, well not confused just in quite a strange mood. I'm listening to Laura Marling - New Romantic. I'm quite happy in fairness, I have nothing really to be sad about, I'm not dying, I'm not thick, I'm not ugly (much), and I know some fairly amazing people.
Today has gone from shocking childishness ("Crack" jokes"), to just wetness, to a hard durable wood.
I'm in the strange position of having the urge to write yet absolutely nothing to write about. Is that still writer's block? Probably.
Once again I'm no closer to satisfying my confusion with women at this precise moment in time. It'll fix itself, I hope.

Quote of the day

Dad: He's Scottish he won't win.

I'm off



Evening all!
Hows everybody hanging?
Today I've been confused about women, not for the first time, and I'm sure it won't be the last. I know what every woman wants is different and I can usually figure it out. There's some women though that I just don't know what they want, or what they find attractive. Personally I think you can get any girl with the right amount of charm, luck, persistence, attention to detail and effort, so why don't some work out? I have no idea, I guess in this universe you can't win them all. People always ask me how I get girls to like me and I never really know how to answer to be honest. I guess I try and use all the things on the list above, but I never ever rely on looks because personally I don't think I'm very attractive, I'm probably average looking on a good day. However in my experience girls who think looks matter are rarely worth bothering with, they are usually only interested in what they can get out of a relationship. This is the complete wrong attitude and, I admit of probably been guilty of partly thinking that myself sometimes.

On a brighter note I'm sure there is probably some amazingly perfect and wonderful lady out there waiting for an idiotic, eccentric, average-looking nerd to make her life ever so slightly more fun and interesting.

Quote of the day


Hayward out


Lets Do It!

Hey everybody, how are you all today?
I was reading an article before about how the internet is being ruined by all the user generated content on it, such as Youtube, MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. In fairness it's a valid opinion as a lot of people are weird in a bad way, but the majority of people are actually pretty amazing. Furthermore wasn't the internet created for information, and people have an unlimited amount of knowledge. People are the most important thing this planet has, we have the ability to change anything and everything, we can create and destroy. O.k maybe we shouldn't piss about as much as we do, but where's the fun in that. If we can change and create while having fun at the same time, and we just happen to do that on the internet then so be it. I think however it does have a slightly negative effect on culture, people are afraid to be different these days in case they end up getting stabbed. Well it's time to rebel! People should want to be different instead of copying what they see repeated at them over and over again on tele.

Quote of the day

Dad: People in wheelchairs always get in at the front, you never see them at the back.
Me: Where else do you want them? At the back, down the stairs.



That Friday Feeling

It's Friday! As if you didn't know already.
What's everybody doing this weekend?
I'm gigging this Saturday!
I'm currently listening to the one and only Major Lazer Diplo and Switch will make your jeans vibrate like a Nokia!
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) starts up again today, luckily we have until the 3rd of December before it starts mashing particles together, potentially creating some weird space time vortex rip. Or even an actual Higgs Boson partical.
Anyway that's enough physics for one day.

Keep rocking and rolling!


Dad's Birthday

Hey Everybody.
How are you all today?

I'm not so well unfortunately, I had two pints of Bulmers and then developed a rather large headache and started shivering, which was fun! So I had a sleep from 6-9.30 then woke up extremely warm.

Today I also had the pleasure of watching a video from 1979 about resonance, at one point a man was sitting on a vibrating seat and I had the pleasure of watching his moobs vibrate up and down. I have to say that was the highlight of my day.

I might go back to sleep now, if I don't post tomorrow I'm probably dead, in which case storm parliament and blame Mr. Brown (he gets the blame for everything else so why not?)

Goodnight to you all! Toodle pip.


I know..

I know I said no more posts for today but I couldn't leave this for tomorrow.

(you might need to sign in to youtube to watch, but it's well worth it!)


Wow..Errm, where to start?
This is my first ever blog post and according to the all-knowing spell check "blog" isn't even a word, good start.
I write this while listening to the subtle strumming of "British Legion - Kasabian". It's been a fairly normal day to be honest, I don't now what compelled me to start these scribblings of a mad man but alas it's happening and I shall try my best to write on here every day.

I've just realised how incredibly rude I have been by not introducing myself. I'm Andy. Pleased to meet you. I'm 17 and go to 6th form in a school where I'm sure half the kids don't know how to tie their own shoelaces but have read and memorised "101 Your Mum Is.. Insults". Anyway enough about them here's a picture of me at this precise moment in time:

I know what you're thinking and it could be worse i could look like this guy! Anyway,you're probably wondering what kind of person I am so I'm going to be honest and just say it, I'm a big nerd basically. I'm doing Biology, Physics and I.t. People in my school are that intelligent that I'm the only person who takes physics and one of two people that take biology.
Ok, so a few more facts about me: I have a knee that likes to dislocate (fun). I have a brother called martin (21) who has A. A girlfriend (Sam) B. A 2 year old (Grace) C. A 1 year old (Lily Mae) D. Two turtles (Rafa and Sherman). I live at both my Mum and Dad's houses (I sort of just alternate). People think I'm some kind of "man slag" which is utter rubbish, I'm really quite a nice person! I always have funky socks on. I'm a Dj and will hopefully be studying sound technology at LIPA (Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts) come October. If you're getting the drinks in I'll have a pint of cider, or some sort of vodka based drink. I don't like Coca Cola or Pepsi!!
I guess you'll learn more stuff about me as we go.

Quote of the day

Vicky: I...
Me: Do many things?

What's your quote of the day?

Text of the day

McCabe: Milky bars are on you x x

What's your text of the day?

I think I've waffled on enough for one day now, roll on tomorrow, it's Dads birthday so I'm sure I'll have a story or two!

Have a nice rest of the day and sleep well!