

Evening all!
Hows everybody hanging?
Today I've been confused about women, not for the first time, and I'm sure it won't be the last. I know what every woman wants is different and I can usually figure it out. There's some women though that I just don't know what they want, or what they find attractive. Personally I think you can get any girl with the right amount of charm, luck, persistence, attention to detail and effort, so why don't some work out? I have no idea, I guess in this universe you can't win them all. People always ask me how I get girls to like me and I never really know how to answer to be honest. I guess I try and use all the things on the list above, but I never ever rely on looks because personally I don't think I'm very attractive, I'm probably average looking on a good day. However in my experience girls who think looks matter are rarely worth bothering with, they are usually only interested in what they can get out of a relationship. This is the complete wrong attitude and, I admit of probably been guilty of partly thinking that myself sometimes.

On a brighter note I'm sure there is probably some amazingly perfect and wonderful lady out there waiting for an idiotic, eccentric, average-looking nerd to make her life ever so slightly more fun and interesting.

Quote of the day


Hayward out

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What do you think?..Yes, you!