

Wow..Errm, where to start?
This is my first ever blog post and according to the all-knowing spell check "blog" isn't even a word, good start.
I write this while listening to the subtle strumming of "British Legion - Kasabian". It's been a fairly normal day to be honest, I don't now what compelled me to start these scribblings of a mad man but alas it's happening and I shall try my best to write on here every day.

I've just realised how incredibly rude I have been by not introducing myself. I'm Andy. Pleased to meet you. I'm 17 and go to 6th form in a school where I'm sure half the kids don't know how to tie their own shoelaces but have read and memorised "101 Your Mum Is.. Insults". Anyway enough about them here's a picture of me at this precise moment in time:

I know what you're thinking and it could be worse i could look like this guy! Anyway,you're probably wondering what kind of person I am so I'm going to be honest and just say it, I'm a big nerd basically. I'm doing Biology, Physics and I.t. People in my school are that intelligent that I'm the only person who takes physics and one of two people that take biology.
Ok, so a few more facts about me: I have a knee that likes to dislocate (fun). I have a brother called martin (21) who has A. A girlfriend (Sam) B. A 2 year old (Grace) C. A 1 year old (Lily Mae) D. Two turtles (Rafa and Sherman). I live at both my Mum and Dad's houses (I sort of just alternate). People think I'm some kind of "man slag" which is utter rubbish, I'm really quite a nice person! I always have funky socks on. I'm a Dj and will hopefully be studying sound technology at LIPA (Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts) come October. If you're getting the drinks in I'll have a pint of cider, or some sort of vodka based drink. I don't like Coca Cola or Pepsi!!
I guess you'll learn more stuff about me as we go.

Quote of the day

Vicky: I...
Me: Do many things?

What's your quote of the day?

Text of the day

McCabe: Milky bars are on you x x

What's your text of the day?

I think I've waffled on enough for one day now, roll on tomorrow, it's Dads birthday so I'm sure I'll have a story or two!

Have a nice rest of the day and sleep well!


  1. I love you..
    So hard.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...


  3. i think i know how to tie my shoelaces u dweeb! :') x

  4. mmm pie
    do you really believe its a friday
    good gods gracious toodle pip
    my brain does like to do the cha cha

  5. Pandddd! I never took physics and i would sayy i was pretty god damn smartt! Stereotypicalll!!! :) x


What do you think?..Yes, you!