
The Mad Scientist

I'm ecstatic when you invite me out yet I find myself declining.
It's definitely not because I hate you,
Believe me, when I see your face I'm smiling.
I'm scared I'll be off the ball,
That I'll say something that makes you like me a little bit less instead of more.
You stimulate all of my senses,
You make my skin sweat, my pulse race.
I'm scared my mask will fall,
And I'll be exposed for the uncool, nerdy fraud that I am.
My big wobbly head is a big wobbly compass point, you are my north.
No matter my location, rotation, situation,
Simply magnetism in action.
Synapses paint a picture and I'm drawn back to your being,
Powerless to resist,
The insane idea to the mad scientist.

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