
Bieber Jesus Weather Porn

Contrary to the wonderfully inventive (if I say so myself) title of this post it contains nothing to do with; Master Bieber, Mr Christ, the weather or materials of a pornographic nature.

Now nobody is reading any more I can pretty much write whatever I please and none of you can stop me! There are many things to discover as you get older, some of which I have only recently discovered. One of the things you are supposed get better at is not taking things for granted, too be honest this skill isn't going the best for me and I'm still piss-poor at it to be honest. Hopefully I'll become better at it in the future but for now certain people will have to be patient with me and stick it out.

Something else that helps is hindsight, I like this one because I like to think I rarely make the same mistakes twice, unless they are really far apart and I've forgotten the first time. So as everybody is rapidly failing their hastily made new year's resolutions mine is simple and something that I will never, ever give up trying to do. I want to be a better person.

Not many people know this about me but, I love my girlfriend, beyond even the most complex descriptive language.

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