
PReeMO, Concrete Dreams Review

Coming from Houston, Texas and having left home at 13, you’d assume that PReeMO would have plenty of issues and experiences with which to form lyrics about. His latest offering titled “Concrete Dreams” certainly confirms those suspicions. Due to having to fend for himself in gun-happy Texas of course there are gun based lyrics, for me this pushes “Concrete Dreams” from a nostalgic hip-hop masterpiece to grown up gangster rap album. This has it’s problems, mainly comparisons with extremely successful artists such as; 50 Cent, Nas and Lil Wayne. Although PReeMO lacks their unique delivery of lyrical content there is a certain complexity to the beats which is often lacking in more mainstream rap and you can hear this in the brass instrument inspired tracks “Lost Highway” and “No Goodbyes”. It is clear a whole heap of effort has been applied to every track on the album, and after a few listens you find your head gently nodding away with the beat without actually really listening to the lyrics. I have nothing bad to say of the lyrics, they are very competent, however at times they can be quite repetitive and lack a necessary hook to really engage a regular mainstream music listener the majority of the time. I also feel that it lacks the grit that you would expect from somebody who has had to look after themselves for so long. I was expecting a collection of songs which your brain would certainly remember as it would have been vibrated through your nose. Unfortunately, as I have discovered, listening to this whilst trying to do any other activity makes you wonder of the Pantheon, and causes the task to feel as long as it took to build. If you enjoy hip-hop it’s well worth your time, if not I doubt it will convert you unfortunately.

Andy Gray, Richard Keys, Sexism, Argh!

So the evil regime has finally been overthrown, no not North Korea or Iran but something far bigger and more important! Sky Sports football coverage's evil dictators Keys and Gray have finally be ousted, by who we do not know, yet everybody who works for sky sports seems to have some sort of motive. Anyway, that's enough of that sports fans!

Sadly readers at the time of me writing this I am horrifically ill, and the only safe why to communicate is indeed with the written word as my throat has been engulfed by a mass of bacteria hell bent on revenge after my throat beat them in an intense and lengthy game of poker. The prize of course was 72 virgins so it's swings and roundabouts really. Simultaneously the mass of bacteria hell bent on revenge is also occupying my nasal/sinus regions. This was after my nostrils beat them in the recent crown green bowling world championships. Once again, naturally the prize happened to be 72 virgins.

On a lighter note, in 17 days I will be travelling to Malaga with some of my close friends to partake in some penthouse based japes and tomfoolery. I'm not usually a fan of beach holidays, especially in February. However this has the potential to be a wonderful get away.


Solar Eclipse Anyone?..

Photograph: Jon Nazca/Reuters

So did anybody stay up, or wake up to the promised partial solar eclipse? Me either. Things always get built up far too much these days, thanks to the wonder that is online media. There are of course countless examples; the last 3 World Cups, Christmas, new year, student protests, the Iraq war, the Afghanistan war, US embassy cables, religion, basically everything.

Until recently, music was exempt from this. People then decided to release wild "facts" about how many people were "illegally" downloading music. The fact of the matter is musicians make very little money from album/single sales, they make money from touring and merchandise. For many artists giving their music away for free allows them to build up a fan base so people can actually attend their gigs and buy their t-shirt or mug. The only people who really make money from albums/singles are the big record companies, and this is precisely why most free downloads have now become illegal, it's simply a case of the best lawyers win, as always.

I think we should have some lawyer world championships where they all fight it out using wigs and and gavels. We could turn it into a weird TV show like The Apprentice/X Factor/BDO World Darts Championship. If you want to invest please email me at andy0089@hotmail.com. 


Bieber Jesus Weather Porn

Contrary to the wonderfully inventive (if I say so myself) title of this post it contains nothing to do with; Master Bieber, Mr Christ, the weather or materials of a pornographic nature.

Now nobody is reading any more I can pretty much write whatever I please and none of you can stop me! There are many things to discover as you get older, some of which I have only recently discovered. One of the things you are supposed get better at is not taking things for granted, too be honest this skill isn't going the best for me and I'm still piss-poor at it to be honest. Hopefully I'll become better at it in the future but for now certain people will have to be patient with me and stick it out.

Something else that helps is hindsight, I like this one because I like to think I rarely make the same mistakes twice, unless they are really far apart and I've forgotten the first time. So as everybody is rapidly failing their hastily made new year's resolutions mine is simple and something that I will never, ever give up trying to do. I want to be a better person.

Not many people know this about me but, I love my girlfriend, beyond even the most complex descriptive language.