

That a pretty picture.

Unlike my life at the moment, which can be pleasantly described as chaotic and unpleasantly as a fucking lunatic asylum on wheels. I'm in the middle of exam revision, festival set preparation, trying to sell a house and sorting out a bbq. I'd say they are all going pretty much shockingly bad.I'm still waiting for my amazing new HTC Desire and all, it should be here by the end of the week...apparently.

I have recently noticed people becoming more and more stressed, I am unsure as to why though, however I do have a small theory. I think it may be partly down to exam stress I'm hoping, and partly probably down to me being a bit of a penis. For which I do apologise, I just have not been having the best of times recently, I cannot be happy all time time.

Not many people know that I like to party, softly.

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