
ho ho ho..

So, Christmas Eve is upon us, how excited am i? Not very, Christmas has unfortunately become alot of seeing people im not very fond of, buying them things and pretending to be happy at the useless junk they continue to buy me.
Anyway I'm off to get drunk.
I sincerely hope you all have a very good Christmas.
Roll on New Year..Toot toot



It's that awkward period between finishing school and Christmas Day where nobody really knows what to do with themselves. Some people go out and do things, others sit in and watch Ready Steady Cook, I'm sadly in the latter group. I can't wait for New Years Eve however my party should be pretty good I hope.




I've fixed the laptop, sort of, momentarily, long enough to write this post I hope.
During my short term on this big mass of elements and things I like to think I've learnt many a thing; how to read and how to write and how to speak and how to understand and how to use commas and how to make a cup of tea and how to read people's emotions and how to get dressed and how to feed a baby goat and how to swim and how to multiply and how to take off a bra and how to make my laptop work using a hair clip.
Yet having learnt all these things I still don't think I've learnt to love.
Is that bad? Personally I think nobody can teach you how to love somebody else, and therefore it must be something that you as an individual develop, whether this happens when you meet "the one" or people find out how before then and just use their new found skills when they find "the one" who knows. I also think you might have to have certain other skills before you can learn love, like the right balance of lust, compassion, tolerance and some other stuff.
My point is I'm willing to learn pretty much anything, I enjoy learning new things, it's exciting. I guess I'll just have to wait to learn the lesson of love, and to see how it effects my life.

Speak soon, yeah?


Why Do..

People have the notion that it is inconceivable for me to be unhappy?
And why do people get affronted when I try and be nice and disguise my mood , they throw it back in my face, then expect me to be nice again to them 10 minutes later?
A stiff drink and exercise are required.
Thank you.


She Said..

You're just as boring as every one else.

How is everybody this fine, if not chilly night?
I've fixed my laptop because I'm just ever so slightly brilliant, speaking of which, I have a new found respect of hair clips.
I may well do a spot of music at my New Year's Eve party now, I think I need the practice.

Today, ladies and gentlemen, a poem that I witnessed preached from a square in the fair city of Amsterdam..

There is soul,
and there are things.
Imagine a world made up only of objects,
a world of idle tools,
a restaurant of nothing but tables and chairs,
a large empty theatre,
or a deserted plaza in summer.
They cry out for the service of man,
the service of life.
We call on man to display his splendid capabilities.
And we observe with undivided attention,
because the little nuances in the quality of his service give a flawless measure of his mind,
there tell us frankly what his soul is worth,
to serve is first to love.



Has been eventful, Liam and Joe came onto my blog and stole the picture from my very first post and then managed to create a wanted picture with it.
At the weekend I managed to dislocate the old knee again, I wont go into detail but it involved drinking and a washing line.
Oh the shame.
I'm off out with the old gang tonight, none other than McCabe and Lauren.
Should be fun.


Once Again..

I'm in I.T where I should be doing work and I'm not, along with everybody else.
Today my toe has gone all weird and is bleeding all over my sock, which is quite interesting.


One Day..

We're gonna live, in Paris, I promise. Sorry everybody Joe has just got that song into my head, you can find it here.
I'm in I.T, therefore I should really be doing my work, but I feel this is more important. Not that it actually is, but I like to think it is.

There once was a bouncy ball called Terry, he had a heart of gold and would often help old ladies across the street and so on. Anyway to cut a long story short, one day he got ran over, luckily however the old lady he was ferrying at the time survived and he's a bouncy ball so obviously he survived, GOOD TIMES!

I sent off my LIPA application application form today, I sincerely hope I get in.

Have fun.



How is everybody these days?
It's Grace's birthday today, how fun! Sadly I'm going to miss the party.
Turns out I'm a fool, not for the first time either, ahh well.
I'm filling in my LIPA application form today so wish me luck!
Team Andy lets go!


Hi Again..

Well it's early! And cold!
I'm still ill unfortunatley.
Today has a weird sense of urgency and feels quite tense, like Iranian waters.
My mum in her great wisdom doesn't have cover for personal belongings in her house insurance so it looks like the new laptop hope has faded into the abyss, this means no music work, no gigs, no cd for LIPA...
I owe you guys a story so I'll just write a quick one before the lesson ends and I have to attend the itellectual battlefield that is my I.T lesson.

There was a rough looking kiwi who needed a shave called Tim, he was mates with a banana that complied to stringent E.U guidelines and was the straightest banana known to man, he was in many ways a hero, and if you drew some lines and numbers on him he could be an effective weapon in the measuring world. His name. Of course, was Harold.

Tune in next week.

Peace be upon you.