

I'm back in the game. 

Today I realised how sometimes I can be pretty good at stuff. I am more than aware that to the majority of you this just sounds like Andy being big headed, but you know what, everybody is awesome in my opinion, so why can't I be a bit awesome some of the time? Don't get me wrong people can be right bellends sometimes, and that's why I choose my friends and just ignore the opinions of people who I know haven't really ever thought about any decision or opinion they have. I think, as far as I can make out they just recycle opinions or thoughts other idiots have just thought out loud.

I would like to go to university now please. I need to make some music my bitch! I like to make music that's intense, just how I like my DJ sets to be. I think it's really awesome to get a really deep bass and build it from there, so what if it blows a speaker or two and makes everything vibrate. Doesn't half get people going, and me for that matter, I love it!

It's a little known fact that I often eat rose petals in the night times.

Keep on rockin' it!

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