

Will be next? First of all they've banned shopping in Tesco whilst wearing pyjamas. I don't even wear pyjamas but if I did I'd be marching down to Tesco in my dressing gown as I type! Secondly, let us get behind the pubs, I refuse to have no place to drink in peace and quiet! I also refuse to no be able to have a pub conversation, I want to talk about who would win in a fight between a badger and a baboon or how many hedgehogs could fit in a U-boat. I refuse to let the one normal thing I can do amazingly well be taken away from me!

Today, as I do most days, I discovered something interesting. Teenage girls are just as filthy minded, if not more so, than us teenage boys who are supposed to be the height of sexual disgustingness. Apparently what they are often thinking is "how good is he in bed?" which doesn't exactly fill me with confidence, what if I'm getting bad reviews left, right and centre without actually sleeping with any of them. I could just sleep with them then they could give me a bad review, that would work for me, I don;t particularly mind being slagged off, as long as it's constructive criticism.

Au Revoir.

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