

I've fixed the laptop, sort of, momentarily, long enough to write this post I hope.
During my short term on this big mass of elements and things I like to think I've learnt many a thing; how to read and how to write and how to speak and how to understand and how to use commas and how to make a cup of tea and how to read people's emotions and how to get dressed and how to feed a baby goat and how to swim and how to multiply and how to take off a bra and how to make my laptop work using a hair clip.
Yet having learnt all these things I still don't think I've learnt to love.
Is that bad? Personally I think nobody can teach you how to love somebody else, and therefore it must be something that you as an individual develop, whether this happens when you meet "the one" or people find out how before then and just use their new found skills when they find "the one" who knows. I also think you might have to have certain other skills before you can learn love, like the right balance of lust, compassion, tolerance and some other stuff.
My point is I'm willing to learn pretty much anything, I enjoy learning new things, it's exciting. I guess I'll just have to wait to learn the lesson of love, and to see how it effects my life.

Speak soon, yeah?

1 comment:

What do you think?..Yes, you!