
I feel..

pretty much generally lost, all the time.
It's an odd feeling to have, it's like I never quite think I should be where ever I am at the time. I'm hoping this will fix itself soon because to be honest it's not all that fun to be a part of.


What's everybody doing tomorrow night? You guessed it I'm doing absolutely nothing, WOO HOO!
I just did some music work, now I have a new CD to send to clubs and stuff. If you would like this CD please send a stamped addressed envelope to 150, Newnham.. I'm joking of course nobody wants that crap. Why do you think I send it to people, I don't even want it!

How is everybody anyway? I've been rather too busy to ask recently, it's been a fairly relentless stream of work I've had to do. So this is me officially asking everybody how they've been surviving the past week or so.


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