
An Ode To Ellesmere Port

They go around in their hordes,
with bikes, beer and burberry.
They go around in their hordes,
unlike cats, queens and clergy.
They go around in their gangs,
with chips on shoulders and no respect.
Desperation descends as the crate runs dry,
There's no more spends, no money supply.
This leaves only two options for the group of hoods,
Go home early or steal some buds.

Just A Little Story

The air was still and warm, it was somewhere between lunch time and late afternoon and the Sun was still suspended high in the vast endless cerulean sky. Suddenly the peace was broken with a primal squeal, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fucking Fuck!". Harold the poor elderly emu had just stubbed his toe on what he thought was a rock. All of a sudden 4 legs and a head slowly appeared out of the rock like structure, "Hey! I'm hanging out of my arse here! I don't kick you when you're hungover!". Harold looked baffled, confused by what had just taken place he carried on walking swearing under his breath, after all he only had 20 minutes to meet his mistress.
Lennie the tortoise continued "Hey! I'm talking to you! Show some respect I'm 72 next week!".
"Sorry mate, I'm just in a rush you know. I have to meet a woman half my age for sex." said Harold over his shoulder whilst continuing to walk away, hoping that the honesty would render Lennie speechless.
Lennie suddenly perked up and started trudging after the old hobbling emu, "Well sonny-jim I can beat that! Last night I had sex with a woman a tenth of my age!" with a beaming smile on his face.
"Really!?" exclaimed Harold.
Lennie had a smug grin on his face and slowly nodded, getting just the reaction he was after.
"Isn't that really bad paedophilia?" Harold questioned.
Lennie still looked extremely smug, "It would be if she was an 8 year old tortoise, but I was pretty drunk and you know what beer goggles lead to.".
"Oh my god! What the hell did  you have sex with then?!"
The tortoise responded "Well, like I said I was pretty drunk. She kind of looked like a tortoise, she was very quiet and didn't move much though, I had to do all the work, but it was fantastic sex!".
Harold looked confused and paused for a second, "So a bit like a rock then?".