

Here we go again eh? I am back on Blogger for now and I am going to be making the most of it with a fairly epic post.

Firstly and finally I bring you my short review of LCD Soundsystem's final ever offering "This Is It". Firstly I would like to discuss the bad points of the album, starting with "Drunk Girls" personally I feel this is a repetitive mess that just completely doesn't fit with the rest of the album. However, James Murphy himself has claimed this track to be ironic to a certain extent so I suppose this one time I can left him off. The only other criticism I have of this album is that it is indeed the final ever collection of tracks to be released by LCD Soundsystem, I know Mr. Murphy and Co. are getting on a bit now (he's 40ish) and they have been doing stuff for quite a while but I still feel they could quite easily bring out another superb album.

Now to the good things. Firstly, the way every song with the exception of "Drunk Girls", builds amazingly well from a basic and melodic intro into an actual masterpiece, a masterpiece where James' voice and the music just seem to fit together so perfectly, it's like an elaborate 3-D jigsaw puzzle for the ears. Particular highlights for me include "Pow Pow" which has a faint familiarity to it due to it's similar feel to "Beat Connection" (without the 4 minute intro!). It also contains a wonderful noise in the background that sounds like an ice cream van that sort of takes you by surprise when it appears and then before you know it it has disappeared and the silky smooth "Pow"s are back at the forefront of your conciousness. "Dance Yrself Clean" is the first track off of the record and personally my favourite, mainly for the sheer genius that occurs after the traditional slow LCD Soundsystem intros that we have all become familiar with, this particular genius occurs after 3 minutes and 6 seconds. The melody just takes the listener completely by surprise and encapsulates that magnificent ability of LCDSS to completely transform a track instantaneously.

Overall I just have one sentence to say: What a wonderful way to end a fantastic era, sensational and inspirational, as always.

So how is everybody's summer going so far? I have to say mine has been simply fantastic, I do have truly wonderful friends and I feel very privileged. Yesterday for example I went out at 11 o'clock in the morning with a bag filled with 5 cans of Strongbow, a can of Red Bull and little Korg Kaosillator synth. I ended up in Liverpool for 5 hours drinking cocktails at Las Iguanas in Liverpool One. Also what I have no doubt is about to enhance my summer greatly is my holiday to Rhodes in 15 days, booked just the other day. It will be nice to lie on a sun bed and read a few books for a week. Oh, and get extremely drunk probably. Hopefully I shall still be able to post a few things on here whilst there.

Not many people know this about me but I have a craving for egg, we have no eggs.