

Again, as I now seem to start all posts, I apologise for the recent lack of reading material for you all to ponder over.

I am actually in a really really exceptionally good mood today. Everything seems to be picking up for a change, things are going right, the Sun is shining and I have captured a pretty lady.

I also have many other exciting things, like it is my 18th birthday in 47 days and I finish school in 43 days. I believe this is what they call "the final push" in wars and stuff, I just hope I can live up to expectations eh?

Not many people know this but Steph is pretty.



Everybody, how are you all this fine Thursday?

I'm fine before you ask by the way. Straight into a crazy story today no fucking around.

Isn't it sometimes just really awesomely nice just to have a conversation with a person that you wouldn't really expect to speak to you? I think everybody should start asking people how they are, the world would be a much nicer place, and a lot less would get done. However there wouldn't be those strange humans who have no people skills at all, because they'd have to talk to people.

I haven't really got much else to say in fairness, have a nice evening though.

Not many people know this so keep it on the down-low, I sometimes just buy a jar of apricot jam, sit there, and gorge myself on it's sugary goodness.



That a pretty picture.

Unlike my life at the moment, which can be pleasantly described as chaotic and unpleasantly as a fucking lunatic asylum on wheels. I'm in the middle of exam revision, festival set preparation, trying to sell a house and sorting out a bbq. I'd say they are all going pretty much shockingly bad.I'm still waiting for my amazing new HTC Desire and all, it should be here by the end of the week...apparently.

I have recently noticed people becoming more and more stressed, I am unsure as to why though, however I do have a small theory. I think it may be partly down to exam stress I'm hoping, and partly probably down to me being a bit of a penis. For which I do apologise, I just have not been having the best of times recently, I cannot be happy all time time.

Not many people know that I like to party, softly.