

In most cases is bliss.

It's a Sunday, which means nobody is really doing anything of any real true importance. I'm slaving away over my music and most other people are watching the football as far as I can tell. Which is what I'd be doing if Grace, Lily and Sam weren't downstairs being mildly annoying and not allowing me to just enjoy a game of football in piece. I learnt long ago that I could never watch anything on television with those 3 in the same room as me, it just doesn't work. The annoying thing is they are staying for tea, without really asking if they could stay for tea, times like this make me enjoy living at Dad's house even more. 

Anyway, on to some good news, Dad has agreed to pay for my tattoo for my birthday, bad news is that means I have to go to Liverpool some time in the near future to book it if I want to go on my birthday. After all its only a mere 4 months away. Unfortunately I don't know what I want my Mum to get me for it yet. Any suggestions are welcome, I was thinking some shiny new headphones, after all one can never have too many pairs of headphones.

I let my cat lick golden syrup off my feet because it tickles.

Sometimes don't you just want to be somewhere else, somewhere else other than here.




Isn't it funny how many nice people you've met and known that you never really think about, until you see them of course and then you are reminded of their sincereness and enthusiasm. I wonder if they ever think about me, probably not but as they are sincere I wouldn't be too surprised if somebody told me they did. I'd love to have the enthusiasm that one acquires when living outside of Ellesmere Port.

I'm unsure as to how Ellesmere Port manages to do it but it just seems to absorb all enthusiasm and desire to make something of yourself. It therefore takes very special people to manage to escape the monotonous world that is Ellesmere Port and make a bid for freedom and university. I therefore would like to tip my cap to all the people I know that will hopefully be starting university in September/October. I appreciate how hard it is to escape as I am trying to do so myself, and I know for a fact most of you share the same view as me that you would literally give a limb to get out of this place. 

Don't get me wrong I'm not slagging people off who are happy to stay in Ellesmere Port, in fact I admire you, I admire how you can be settled in one place. I myself feel slightly uneasy if I have to stay in a particular place for too long, I have to go somewhere, do something. I also admire how you fit in to a place so well. I don't think I've ever really felt like I've truly fitted into a place, and in fairness I've been to a lot of places. I just hope one day I can find a place that doesn't drain the life and soul out of people, and where I just seem to fit. 

Hope I've shone a little ray of hope into an otherwise dreary and dull, grey world that is "El Porto".

In my spare time I like to race various animals.



To the world of perfecting pioneering discotheque technology to provide a wonderful and unique performance that not only engages the ears but also the other senses. This is what I attempt to create every time I strap on my headphones and saddle up my laptop. This usually means me getting into a state of extreme focus where I not only hear the music but also feel like I'm lost within it like a blind vole tumbling haphazardly down a well.

I own a pair of thong Speedos.

That is all.



How about that then. I'll start at the beginning and the events of yesterday. We ended up not going to the united game, due to unforseen circumstances that we shall not go into at this precise moment in time. Anyways due to this I ended up just going the pub which was really quite a nice event, I had a steak, bit fatty but ahh well.

Anyway, onto today and it's events, first of all I have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE! I have also tried to change my behaviour today, I'm giving the whole "being nice" thing a go, well I'm certainly making an attempt at being nicer to people, my friends anyway. I think it's going OK but I could definately do better. I am a changed man.

Also today my Mum's house has been valued today, which means the move seems to be on the cards. Back to Elton my; Mum, Brother, Brother's Girlfriend and their 2 children go eventually. I think it will be good for the kids, I mean I went to "Elton County Primary School" and look at me, I turned out to be a well rounded human being...kind of...a bit.

I dance around my house in a shiny leotard.



How interesting and a wonderful world we live in these worldly days, hours, minutes and seconds. Also the square root of 346 is 18.60, you never know when things tend to come in useful. I, as you can probably tell, am in a wonderful mood, for which I have no reason at all as a matter of fact.

Yesterday I learnt that my Dad of all people is a huge Pixie Lott fan, he has her album and everything. And his reasons I hear you cry he claims "She's brilliant, and she seems filthy." which in fairness I agree with but she however cannot sing for all the precious metals and stones combined in some wonderful and glorious piece of jewellery.

Back to the monotonous long hard slog that is school tomorrow, where there are only brief and insignificant victories that are quickly forgotten, to brighten everybody's day for the smallest of moments. Alas, life is what you make it, and I intend to make it a diverse, wonderful and magical place, this sometimes may be achieved by illegal means such as drugs and under-age drinking. It may however be achieved by more simple means such as good friends, good in-jokes and pleasures of the flesh (female of course).

I'm also going to the Man United Vs West Ham game tomorrow, even though I support neither. However I am going because of young Mr. Joseph's birthday which is on Wednesday.



How interesting and a wonderful world we live in these worldly days, hours, minutes and seconds. Also the square root of 346 is 18.60, you never know when things tend to come in useful. I, as you can probably tell, am in a wonderful mood, for which I have no reason at all as a matter of fact.

Yesterday I learnt that my Dad of all people is a huge Pixie Lott fan, he has her album and everything. And his reasons I hear you cry he claims "She's brilliant, and she seems filthy." which in fairness I agree with but she however cannot sing for all the precious metals and stones combined in some wonderful and glorious piece of jewellery.

Back to the monotonous long hard slog that is school tomorrow, where there are only brief and insignificant victories that are quickly forgotten, to brighten everybody's day for the smallest of moments. Alas, life is what you make it, and I intend to make it a diverse, wonderful and magical place, this sometimes may be achieved by illegal means such as drugs and under-age drinking. It may however be achieved by more simple means such as good friends, good in-jokes and pleasures of the flesh (female of course).

I'm also going to the Man United Vs West Ham game tomorrow, even though I support neither. However I am going because of young Mr. Joseph's birthday which is on Wednesday.




Everybody seems to be in a good mood at the moment, and I'm really rather enjoying it. It makes a wonderful and interesting change to the usual problems and bitchiness of people's usual moods. If you are reading this you are in for a wonderful bumper super edition, thou shalt describe the weeks events as they unfolded.

The start of the week was pretty fun. We went to watch The Wolfman, We saw Vicky waiting for a bus and stole all of Tom's sweets so he shouted at us. The day after (Tuesday I think) me and Joe went to Liverpool which is always fun and I've probably previously described on here. 

Thursday I think I went out with Sarah which is always interesting, we only went round the oaks and back to mine though nothing special. However, it is always fun to hang out with people that are so nice and friendly. Friday night was awesome, I have to say I'm not an accomplished enough DJ to play a flawless set every time I go out and perform. Therefore it's a really amazing feeling when I go out there and absolutely kill a set. It's also really nice when people actually show some appreciation, about 5 people offered to buy me a drink afterwards , I declined them all of course.  

Today has been pretty OK as well, I've helped to paint the hall, landing and stairs, sadly in green though. All because mum has decided she can't afford the house when I escape to uni, meaning she is going to buy a house with Martin, Sam and the children, conveniently with no space for Andy. Also it will probably be in Elton, which I suppose is a bonus, it means I never have to really return to Ellesmere Port ever again.

Keep on poppin', lockin' and polka dottin'!



Sorry guys I haven't posted in what seems like forever. I sincerely apologise for this.

A fair few things have happened to me since the last post. Not all of which have been pleasant, my Grandad is in hospital which is quite a lot rubbish. Hopefully he will be fine and dandy soon enough though. Anyway onto positive events, went to watch The Wolfman last night. It wasn't that good really, but if you enjoy films with lots of jumpy bits in then it's one for you.

Me and Joe went to Liverpool today, which is always an event. There always seems to be an abundance of very beautiful young women wandering the merry streets of Liverpool. Also none of which pay any attention to me in any way unfortunately. They might as well be a different species. I bought some new pants though and a t shirt, both from H&M of course.

I'm unsure what to do for the rest of the week. Please send any suggestions on a postcard to 150, Newnham Drive, Ellesmere Port, CH65 5AL.

See you next Tuesday.



No Superman.

I wish people would understand I can't be on top form and be super happy and doing super work constantly. Sometimes I'm going to be a bit sad or not in the mood to do something to the same standard as I usually would.  Sometimes I will be in a weird mood, and 99% of people are going to be able to do nothing about it. The thing I've noticed is usually it's the 99% who always ask me about it. The 1% however don't even mention it, they know I'm having a DJ diva moment and try to sort me out, but they never ever make a fuss, and for that I thank them. I'm aware I don't say that enough, so I'm making a point of saying it now.

Roll on.



All right, it's OK, I got the time but the time don't pay.

Sorry I haven't really wrote much recently, and for this I apologise to my fan. In my defence my internet has been being a rebellious so and so, meaning I haven't really been able to stay online for more than about 10 minutes at a time.

Recently I've realised that when I'm about to do/say something stupid there's a voice in my head going "ANDY YOU GIGANTIC PENIS! STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP! NOOOOOOOOOOO" but as the voice is saying these things I tend to be committing the very offence it is trying to prevent me from doing. Also I have discovered this voice only gets quieter when I drink causing me to have less and less restraint.

That is all for now.



Flavoured brioche is a taste sensation! There are also several remixes of "Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed" that are a musical sensation but I lack the willpower to put them up so Youtube that crap or something.

Today was fun, I realised that in year 11 everybody fancied me at some point. That was a fun discovery, also a confidence boost. We also had a fun biology lesson with sexy biology Sarah teaching us and talking about cleavage and various other sexually intriguing words.

Parent's evening tomorrow, I'll let you all know how it goes, I'll be fine though I know what they'll say.




Today has been the most uneventful day in a long while. Apart from being called a "gay bastard" and apparently having a "pinny", all those insults are of course provided by the wonderful year 8 pupils and my wonderful school. 

Everybody wasn't in a very good mood today, and to be honest it got me down by the end of the day as well. Several people weren't too happy as they had a geography exam, then weren't happy after it, because they thought they hadn't done very well. A few other people just seemed a bit sort of preoccupied with some underlying serious issue. Hopefully all shall be well in the micro world of school tomorrow, and everything will be back to sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. 

I should really do some music work, I tend to be far more creative when I'm a bit sad. I also like exercising when I'm a bit sad, probably those wonderful wee endorphins, they are happy little fellows. I remember being a bit sad once when I was a child, then I went to my Nan's house and she got out her big roses tin full of sweets and let me have 2 instead of 1 because she always used to know when I was a bit down. What a truly brilliant person. She then played with my favourite toy with me, it was this old battered and paint chipped fighter plane, it had this sliding thing on the top of it that made the wheels come out when you wanted to land. I remember thinking about that day after she died and I got the plane out of a box that was going to go to the skip. It never ceases to make me smile, I guess I could do with it about now.